Tuesday, June 23, 2009

God Has a Purpose and a Plan...

"God has a plan and a purpose for you life." That was one of my former pastors theme for our church. I saw that sign (you remember the banners that you used to print from the old school computers... lol) every Sunday... so why am I having a hard time with it?

First... let me express my sincere thanks to God for blessing me this far! I'm very fortunate to be on the path that I am on.

BUT WHY ARE THINGS MOVING SO SLOW! God must be teaching me patience... cause I'm going through it! My job is like... playing hard to get or something. This training is killing me... one day I come in... the next I don't. I guess that wouldn't be such a bad thing if I was somewhere like Wilmington... or Salisbury where I have something to do... where I know my way around... and where I know people! I hate Greensboro!!! I hate it... I hate it... I hate it. My job is the only reason why I am even here!

God has got to have something in store for me... because I am definitely in the wilderness. The lonely wilderness... that's what I am going to start calling Greensboro... "the lonely wilderness", North Carolina! I want to be optimistic and make new friends... but I don't even know where to begin!

Ok... I just had to (as my internet friend Dutch says) GO AWF (go off)! This is getting really fustrating and all I have is me and my trusty, dusty, smoppy, floppy, precious... laptop! If it wasn't for Durand's blog tv broadcast (alcoholharmony get into it), youtube (lovebscott), facebook, twitter, and blogger... I would be out of it... cause t.v. ain't shit. We waste money on cable!

To my love... MUSIC! You are my peace and my serenity... without you... I would be insane! I thank God for you! Your always gonna be my #1!

So, I try to see the brightside... when things are looking dim... I try to be optimistic. LORD, I see you winkin' at me... and I trust that you have something up your sleeve to make this loneliness and frustration worth it. You suffered for my sake... so, I must endure as well. I press towards the mark... therefore I will patiently wait on you.

If anyone is in the area... hit a sister up! I need some positive friends that are artistic, spiritual and goal minded!

~Thanks for reading... and if you haven't clicked that follow button on the right side above my loyal community, please do and join the land of Complex Serenity.
Love & Peace... Avi'Qon


Emil said...

Lil Gurl,
You already know why God gave you a job in Greensboro because it's Unseen territory for you and it personally yanks you out of your comfort zone. If I remember correctly, All you wanted to was to get "The Hell Up out of Livingstone" and start your life in your new found job opportunity. Which is something typical for us to pour ourselves into our work to escape.. Escapism, it's a beautiful thing, believe me. But.. Learn that patience, is waking up everyday to began to decipher the code. Stop trying to open the door all the way and run. Sometimes God will crack it for you and eventually open it all the way.. And Uhh... No Comment.. On some of the things listed in this blog..

. said...

oh iThought it was just thougths...*sigh* me likey anyway

BeyondBeautiful... said...

it's everything...