Wednesday, July 29, 2009


so i am about to embark on my second transition as an adult...
i know this is going to work out because God's got my back. it's hard not to have reservations about this independent and exciting realness because this is my first time. i don't want to reveal what it is until it's official... so be looking for pictures in 2 weeks or less.

this week has been a hard week already... it's just hump day. but that's a good thing, because that means that a new week is on the horizon. i'm excited.
the job is still moving slow, but it's coming a long. i'm still getting paid... so all is well. i am itching to get to the "nittygritty though... i know your like "who actually want's to work?" ..but i love what i do.

i want to say that i thank God for my family... for their love and support. i think that i am finally being accepted as an adult and that they are ready to let me live off of what they have instilled in me. that feels so awesome! ...even granny! it means a lot to me that my family believes in me... and as the fear subsides... i feel the urge to fly!


so the "swain" is back from his voyage. i'm not sure how i feel yet? i almost pissed on myself when he said he missed me... hmm? i missed him too... i'm definitely happy that he made it home safely and i am extremely proud of what he has accomplished and the proof is aparent in his melodious sound.
it's funny... somethings never change and some old habits never die. i talk to him on the phone last night... he was throwing shade at me about music. lol... i think i'm getting good at finding music! i got georgia anne muldrow... umsindo (thanks blaklair! ;)) last night! too excited... anyway... it was cool... then the bliss ended quick... i lost his attention. same story... same scenario. calling other people and everything... but hey, that's him :l

i guess i said that to say that it doesn't bother me as much as it used to... but it's still a pet peeve! am i loosing it for him? probably temporarily... because that never lasts long.

where i am now in my life is a quest for some type of stability... in every facet. i want a solid relationship with the chance to grow into a marriage. someone who will be considerate of my feelings... and i of his. a man who will believe in me and support my goals and aspirations... not just deluge himself in the fact that i support his and not consider that i have them too. ...and of course a man who loves the things that i do. someone who is open minded to what he doesn't understand and willing to learn from me as well as i from him. well... that's my wishlist...

until later...

~Thanks for reading... and if you haven't clicked that follow button on the right side above my loyal community, please do and join the land of Complex Serenity.
Love & Peace... Avi'Qon


Anonymous said...

Hey Avie. This is Courtney. I just encountered the call situation in front of me, which is bad business. I want stability and just put that situation in God's hands to mend. I am now playing it by ear and enjoying life on my own. If it is meant to be then it will be. I love the new post and defintely keep them coming.

BeyondBeautiful... said...

Thank you Courtney! (by the way is this LaCourtney or a different Courtney?)